
CONTEST: Win a Free Pint of New Orleans Ice Cream Company's Cafe au Lait & Beignets and Mardi Gras Pie

One of my favorite ice cream companies, New Orleans Ice Cream Company, has offered to sponsor an ice cream giveaway for the ages. They’ve offered to ship two of my favorite flavors, CafĂ© au Lait & Beignets and Mardi Gras Pie to the winner of this contest.

The rules for entering this latest contest are simple. As you may know, The Ice Cream Informant recently added forum capability to our website and we’d love to have you as a part of our community. The forum gives everyone a chance to discuss, share and complain about ice creams from all over the world. So scoot on over to our forums, sign up for a username and post in our New Orleans Ice Cream Giveaway Thread to enter. The contest will run from now until August 10th! At that point a winner will be randomly selected and the fine folks at NOLA Ice Cream Co. will ship a few pints directly to your front door. The only thing we ask if that you send us in a review of the flavors once you’re finished. Thanks and good luck!