
REVIEW: Cold Stone Creamery Pumpkin Pie in the Sky

Cold Stone Creamery is somewhat uncharted territory for our blog. We've tried some of their prepackaged containers, all of which have scored well, but it wasn't until the release of their Fall signature creations that we stopped in to review something freshly prepared. Bypassing the Campfire Classic (marshmallow ice cream with graham cracker pie crust, chocolate shavings and fudge), we went straight for their Pumpkin Pie in the Sky. Bringing together pumpkin ice cream with graham cracker pie crust, whipped topping and caramel, we opted for the "Love It" sized cup (medium). At around 750 calories for the moderate sized portion, this isn't very much bang for your caloric buck and at close to $5.00 with tax, the signature creations aren't light on the wallet either. Unfortunately for us, our ice cream creator even managed to leave out one of the four ingredients we were paying for by stopping a step short of the caramel sauce drizzle seen on the advertisement.

After being pulverized with two large metal spatula looking ice cream scoops for a substantial amount of time, the combination was at the ideal consistency for immediate consumption. With such relentless mixing, the bits of graham cracker had penetrated practically every bit of the pumpkin base. This not only added some graham cracker taste to each bite, but also a terrific texture; a smart strategy considering the mediocrity of their pumpkin ice cream. We've had quite a few different variations from various manufacturers at this point and Cold Stone Creamery's pumpkin base was middle of the road at best. The whipped topping helped round out the pumpkin pie theme, but added little as far as overall performance goes. We'd suggest checking out some of our other top performing pumpkin flavors before heading into a Cold Stone Creamery for your Fall fix.

Where I Found It: Cold Stone Creamery
Grade: B