
Cranberry Pistachio Energy Bars

A homemade granola bar with a bit of a chew and a crunch at the same time. Lot's of flavor and full of goodness you can taste in every bite. So colorful too! Be warned, these are delicious and won't last long. But no worries, they're easy to make so you can whip some up in cinch. :)

I originally started these as a no bake granola bar like the recipe at Gimme Some Oven, but felt they were a bit to sticky to handle, even after chilling in the fridge a while. I decided to bake them in order to harden the maple syrup and stiffen them a bit. They came out really good and still have a bit of chewiness but without the stickiness. If you want them a bit crunchy bake for a little longer. They really are a vibrant and delicious treat! This recipe will give you the option to decide if you want to bake or not...a lot may depend on the date paste and how much moisture there is...but you may find that you prefer it unbaked. 

Cranberry Pistachio Energy Bars

  • 1 cup packed medjool dates, pitted and chopped (about 15 dates)
  • 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds, optional
  • 1 tablespoon hemp hearts, optional
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds 
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, optional
  • pinch of sea salt
  • 1 1/2 cups rolled oat (I used GF)
  • 1 cup unsalted pistachios
  • 1 cup dried cranberries or fresh chopped
  • 1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate or a dark chocolate bar chopped into small pieces, optional

Place dates, maple syrup, chia seeds, hemp hearts, flax seed meal, optional cinnamon and salt in food processor/high speed blender and process until it becomes a paste like consistency. Move date paste to a medium size bowl and add the remainder of the ingredients, mix well.

In a loaf pan or 8x8 pan, lined with parchment paper or greased with coconut oil, spread the mixture evenly to all edges and corners, press down gently but firmly to ensure a compact mixture. Place in fridge for 30 minutes before removing from pan and cutting into bars.

Once chilled, gently remove loaf and place on hard surface. Cut into any size bar you like. If you feel that they are just right for you without baking than your done and can enjoy one right now, if not continue....also, you may decide to try a few bars just to see how it works for you.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place bars on a prepared cookie sheet with either the same parchment paper used to chill or greased, bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool completely. I put mine in the fridge to cool as I was being a bit impatient with this extra step but well worth it! It may take an hour or two to completely cool, especially if you used chocolate.

Store in an air tight container or keep in the fridge if you like. Eat within two weeks. If using fresh cranberries it's best to eat within a week. (I highly recommend trying some fresh cranberries, they add a nice tartness with the sweetness of the other ingredients)


A little picture tutorial and more...

Date paste...depending on the freshness of your dates will determine how thin or thick your paste is. The paste shown here was with very fresh dates, they were moist and soft creating this very moist paste...this was almost too moist but I also used 1/3 cup syrup instead of 1/4 cup, probably didn't need to use that much with such soft dates. I've also used older dates with less moisture and added a tablespoon or so extra maple syrup to the paste for added moisture. Use your judgement...if you need any extra moisture at all it should only be a tablespoon or two at most. If you feel your paste is too wet, add extra oats in the next step.

I used fresh chopped cranberries in this batch...the fresh cranberries added a little tartness and paired well with the sweetness of some of the other ingredients without adding refined sugars that are usually in dried cranberries. You can find organic dried cranberries that use pure cane sugar or apple sauce to sweeten the berries. Fresh is always best so give it a try sometime, you may be surprised how good they are in this recipe.

Gently pack the mixture into a lined loaf pan, chill, cut and bake if desired. I spy my little Piper girl, always underfoot waiting for something to drop, or a hand to reach down and give her some love. We've had her since Halloween of 2010, she was a rescue dog and needed a home, and we needed her little spirit...it worked out perfectly. :)

Hope this inspires something wonderful in your future. Happy Holidays. :)