BWAHAHAHAH! Hah, did you see what I did there? How I managed to keep a straight face? Hoo boy! [wiping eyes] Heehee!
Ok, seriously, let's count down the ways in which Wreckerators have managed to destroy the seemingly simple balloon, shall we?
1) Gravity Need Not Apply

2) Floaters, or Swimmers?

It doesn't help when the "balloons" are swimming in a circle, either:
3) Too Small
4) Too big.
5) Swirly Suckers
Multicolored swirls look, at best, like lollipops. At worst, we're facing the Teletubby poo debacle all over again.
6) "You may use any icing color in the kitchen. EXCEPT THIS ONE."
Ooh, could those be a gaggle of failing organs*, or perhaps hacky sacks made from old pantyhose? Here's hoping!!

6) "You may use any icing color in the kitchen. EXCEPT THIS ONE."

Janice L., Nezuko, Troy K., Helen D., Jessica G., & Bex, thanks for taking us up, up and away.
* Geese, organs - they're practically interchangeable, right?