But seriously, *heh* we've gotten a whole bunch of Fourth of July cakes and it would be a shame not to share them. "Would you say we have a plethora of cakes?" you ask. Si, Elguapo, si.
Allow me to start with what I like to call a "wait...what?" cake:

1. Start with an airbrush. 'Cuz ya gos ta show off yo mad skillz.
2. Realize you don't know how to do anything but wonky lines with said airbrush.
3. Pull out trusty icing bag and try to fake us all out with hastily splooged border and stars.
4. Add red, white and blue sprinkles to distract viewers from step #2.
Next we have donuts:
Yes, doughnuts. Because they were feeling left out of all the patriotic splooging. On a side note, I've seen my share of brightly colored icing before but this stuff makes me want to chuck it in a lead barrel and bury it in a mountain somewhere.
Remember the days when decorators would at least try to make a CCC (hwok...hwok...snort...ptooie!) look like something?

Yeah, those were the days. I particularly like the blue over spray on the cake board here for that extra special "Meh, who gives a flying squirrel?"* touch.
And finally,
Thanks, all, for bearing with us on Jen's day of woozyloopytudeness. She should be back soon - same bat time, same bat channel - so stay tuned.
*See? Look how family-friendly I am!
**Ok, never mind.
Thanks to Sarah C., Lesli W., Gilian, and Amy G. WRECK ON!