

This marinara sauce has been a great recipe to come back to again and again. I've used it on salads, zucchini & cucumber noodles, and even on cooked pasta. This is a great recipe to play with and come up some different variations using herbs and spices you prefer. This will serve three generously. Also, the cherry tomatoes I added at the end, they are so sweet and I thought it may be a nice add, and it was. I think you'll find this recipe to be flavorful, fresh and so easy to put together!


  • 4 - 5 roma tomatoes
  • small handful cherry tomatoes, optional
  • 1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes, softened
  • 1 - 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons shallots
  • 1/2 cup cilantro, parsley or basil, medium packed
  • 1/2 teaspoon mineral salt

Place ingredients into food processor/blender, and blend until mixture is fairly smooth. You can also leave it a little chunky if you like.

Serves three.


This can be served with salad, 'noodles', or whatever you want. 

Sauce should last up to five/six days in the refrigerator. 

Feel free to substitute any herbs and spices in the sauce, make it your own. You can use parsley, thyme, basil, cardamom, cumin, red pepper flakes to spice it up, etc.....Have fun creating! 

Here's a few serving suggestions...

Enjoy often!