


We can all benefit from a raw meal at least once a day, whether it's a salad or something like this raw vegetable pasta. Adding a fresh, raw dish to your daily meal plan is good for your system in countless ways. So with some marina'raw' sauce I had left over from a previous recipe, I decided to put together this raw vegetable pasta dish. I started with just the usual zucchini 'noodles' and decided to try some cucumber 'noodles' as well. Turned out to be a nice combo! I added in some fresh vegetables that I happen to have on hand and the result was a complete success. Adding a layer of almond parmesan over top will take this to the next level of deliciousness while adding protein....it's amazing over top! This complete dish is simple, delicious and refreshingly filling! 


Feel free to use any vegetables you like. These are what I had on hand and threw together. 


On the left are the zucchini noodles and on the right are the cucumber noodles. Very refreshing and filling. 



Ingredients (serves two)
  • handful mushrooms, diced
  • 1/2 each red & yellow bell pepper, diced
  • 1 - 2 carrots, diced
  • 1 - 2 scallions, sliced
  • fresh chopped cilantro, basil or parsley (optional)
  • mineral salt & cracked pepper, to taste

  • 1 small zucchini (1 per person)
  • 1 small cucumber (1 per person)

Marina'raw' Sauce

Spiralize your zucchini and cucumber, set aside. You can also julienne by hand or use a julienne tool but the spiralizer is really fun and easy. I highly recommend having one if you make raw noodles often. (check notes below on spiralizer options)

Dice up your veggies, using as much as you like. Now you can either mix everything together in a separate bowl and transfer to individual serving dishes or you can serve and mix right in your serving dish. Top with sliced green onions, fresh herbs of choice, mineral salt & cracked pepper to taste. Extra Aaamazing topped with a dusting of Almond Parmesan!


Depending on the size, I generally use 1 zucchini & 1 cucumber per person. You can use half of each if they are on the larger side but even then it won't hurt to have a little extra on your plate.

You could also use raw nut meat with this as well. The nut meat is a combination of walnuts and mushrooms...really delicious! You can find the recipe here. Since this is for an Italian style dish, I recommend subbing the spices to be more of an Italian flare...sage, thyme, basil, oregano, rosemary, marjoram and sun-dried tomatoes. Use your best judgment on which ones to use and combine.

This could easily be prepared for to go lunches. Make a batch of the marina'raw' sauce, cut up some vegetables and store for quick access to preparing a 'to-go meal' or anytime when your at home. A little preparation goes a long way. The sauce will last up to 5 - 6 days and the fresh chopped veggies should last about the same.

If you're in a pinch, try subbing in bottled organic tomato sauce of choice. It won't be considered 100% raw but it will still be delicious!

I use the Paderno Spirooli which is around $35 on Amazon, lots of features compared to others (you can wait for sales and purchase for cheaper). You can also use a julienne tool which is much less cumbersome and can easily fit into your utensil drawer.

Enjoy often!