
READER REVIEW: Bob's Review of Blue Bell Rockslide Brownie

Upon opening the lid of my first Blue Bell experience I was pretty happy, marshmallows popping to the top and signs of the nutty mix-ins made me pretty skeptical considering the pint was only 800 calories. Blue Bell which i have never had before gets a good reputation so when i was on vacation and saw this I had to give it a crack. The pint contains Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Brownies, Marshmallows, Almonds, Pecans, Walnuts, and Caramel Sauce.

Now before I dug into the pint you can see most of the mix-ins floating on the top. The base was good, it was not a Dark Chocolate like I expected it to be, but a lot softer/milder more of a swiss or milk chocolate base that was very soft and not hard even after coming right out of the freezer. I would have to say its much better than Ben & Jerry's chocolate base which is a major plus because Ben & Jerry's lacks in that department. The only thing that was off in the pint was the amount of nuts, while it lists 3 different kinds they are scattered and the mix-ins are not as diverse as some Ben & Jerry's pints, You get a great amount of marshmallows (that are soft and not hard), a few brownie pieces (I only had 4 total), and a good bit of nuts, but really I only found the Almonds and Walnuts, and maybe 1 pecan in the whole pint. So while its nice to see a diversity of mix-ins you really don't get as much as you expect. Ben & Jerry's would trump as far as the mix-in amounts, but the overall selection is nice for the lower amount of calories per serving on the pint (200 calories a serving at 10g Fat, 23g Carbs, and 4g Protein)

Overall I was pleased with my first purchase of Blue Bell, and think it was a good pint. From the good base, to a diverse amount of mix-ins that somewhat lacked the overall amount of calories compared to other pints such as Graeter's, Ben & Jerry's, Talenti, etc. that can rack around 250-350 calories per pint showed that with the reduction in calories there were less mix-ins, but still a very good blend that complimented the entire pint.

Where Bob Found It: Super Target
Bob's Grade: B