
'Sweet Tang' Smoothie

Sweet pineapple, tangy plum and chia seeds make for a smoothie that will give you plenty of extended energy that tastes great any time of day. It's a 'Sweet Tang' Smoothie.

 Chia seeds are not just for the 'chia pet' that I remember growing up with, in fact, they are a 'superfood'. They contain omega-3 oil (a great source for vegans), its protein is complete to raise your energy levels and they expand with liquids to keep you feeling fuller longer. It contains a lot of nutrition in a little package. A serving (two Tbsp) of chia seeds has 60 calories, 5 grams of fiber, 3 grams of protein and 4 grams of healthy fat. They have no flavor and are so little you really can't tell they're there. They are a staple in my kitchen these days. Great To sprinkle on salads, fruit dishes, add to smoothies, cereal...all kinds of places to sneak these in!

'Sweet Tang' Smoothie

  • 6 plums
  • 1/2 cup fresh pineapple chunks
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 2 tablespoon chia seeds

  1. Wash and remove seeds from plums. 
  2. Place all ingredients in blender and blend to desired smoothness. 

* Makes approximately 24 oz., a glass and a half, which was a serving for me.

* To make this a 'Fiber Blast Smoothie' add an extra serving of chia seeds. You can also replace the coconut water with other water if like.

Enjoy !