
READER REVIEW: Emily's Review of Dairy Queen's Pumpkin Pie Blizzard

Ever since I saw Dairy Queen’s Blizzard Battle advertised for the month of September, I have been craving both the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard as well as the Apple Pie Blizzard but have always ended up fulfilling my ice cream fix at the local Handel’s instead. However, when The Ice Cream Informant offered a coupon to try either blizzard, I could not turn down the incentive. As a big blizzard fan and a raging chocoholic, ordering something other than the Chocolate Extreme or Heath with added brownie seemed unfamiliar. Yet, with my coupon in hand, I settled on the Pumpkin Pie blizzard based on the rave reviews circulating since last year.

My local Dairy Queen seems to often skimp on the toppings yet, to my excitement, this blizzard was different. Making my way through the tall layer of nutmeg-dusted whipped cream that topped the cup, I was pleased to find my spoon-full loaded with bits of piecrust. The crust added just the right crunch to perfectly compliment the soft-serve generously loaded with pumpkin puree. The overall flavor of the soft-serve was had a pleasant pumpkin overtone but was not overdone. The nutmeg spices seemed to tie everything together, creating an authentic pumpkin pie experience in ice cream form. While I thoroughly enjoyed the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard, in my opinion it still falls far short of the S’mores blizzard from the summer. That being said, I would still give this blizzard a B rating.

Where Emily Found It: Dairy Queen
Emily's Grade: B