
White Flatbread-Pizza with Zucchini

white flatbread-pizza

I like a good pizza every now and then. My craving was for a white pizza and this did not disappoint! It was absolutely delicious. Simple, easy, healthy and yummy...all the makings for a great go to meal any time. The was my first time using a tofu ricotta and it came out fantastic as well. Instead of mashing the tofu, I blended mine in a food processor for a creamy ricotta. And the flatbread can be found almost anywhere. I really enjoyed this white pizza...seriously so good! 

White Flatbread-Pizza with Zucchini

two small/medium zucchini, green & gold
1 small red onion
whole grain vegan naan bread

White Sauce
1 block organic tofu (16 oz..soft or firm..I used soft)
3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
2 teaspoons mellow white miso
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
dash of pepper (I used white)
dash of nutmeg
twist or two of himalayan salt
juice of 1 lemon
few parsley tops


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Start with the ricotta by placing all ingredients in food processor/blender and blend until creamy. Taste for spices adding anything you may like. Makes about 2 1/2 cups. I had left overs.

Slice your zucchini and onions very thinly. You can use a mandolin or put your knife skills to work and slice. I used both methods. Spread a layer of the ricotta on your flatbread and top with veggies. Bake on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper for 10-12 minutes. Serve.

Note: For a crumble style ricotta to use in lasagna, use firm or extra firm tofu, mash in medium size bowl with a fork then add rest of ingredients and combine together.

Delicious...Enjoy !