
READER REVIEW: Omari's Review of Market Pantry Chocolate Fudge Brownie

I love chocolate and I like brownies (it doesn't hurt that they contain chocolate) so I decided to pick up this ice cream. Too bad these brownies do not have walnuts in them. Here is the description on the box, "Chocolate Fudge Brownie Ice Cream: Chocolate Ice Cream Swirled with Fudge & Brownies."

I usually do not care for chocolate ice cream since most brands do not deliver a full chocolate taste. Though there a few chocolate ice cream brands that are definitely worth eating on their own and this might be a contender. I did not notice a discernible fudge taste in the ice cream though I assume that the fudge and the chocolate ice cream merged and thus made a tastier chocolate ice cream flavor. I would not be surprised if this happened as the best chocolate ice cream that I have eaten taste like it has chocolate syrup in it. The brownie pieces were chewy, flavorful and plentiful though they might be a little too chewy for my taste but good overall. The brownie pieces' size were big enough that about two would fit in a spoonful of ice cream. This is good as I like my mix ins to not be too big. I am really not a fan of brownies in ice cream though and my rating reflects this but I encourage you to try this flavor. If you are having a hard time finding this or any other flavor of Market Pantry ice cream then I suggest you find your nearest Super Target. The larger stores tend to carry more of a selection of items and the Super Target that I went to had all of the available flavors.

Where Omari Found It: Target
Omari's Grade: B