
Butter Maple Pecan Ice Cream

Butter Maple Pecan Ice Cream

It's hard to believe January is almost over. Is time flying by or is it just me? And I know it's still winter but who can resist a great ice cream....especially when it's so easy to put together! This is for us who don't have an ice cream maker or are just too lazy to use one. I really love using bananas as a base for my ice creams and this fits in nicely with my collection. Bananas are inexpensive and when fully ripe are as sweet as can be. And they can be dressed up many ways, like this ice cream. I used to love butter pecan ice cream and now I can still enjoy it in a way that is beneficial to myself, tastes great and without using any animals in the process. It's a win, win, win...my favorite kind! I hope you find it as good as I do...

Butter Maple Pecan Ice Cream

Butter Maple Pecan Ice Cream

  • 3 large or 4 small ripe bananas, frozen or unfrozen*
  • 1/2 cup raw almond butter
  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup pure maple syrup, to taste
  • 1/4 cup tahini
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon, optional
  • 2 teaspoons or so vanilla extract
  • 1 cup pecans

Place ingredients, except for the pecans, in food processor/high speed blender and process, scraping down the sides as needed, until creamy and combined. Taste for sweetness, adding more maple syrup if needed. Stir in pecans. Place in air tight container and keep in the freezer for at least 6 hours to harden. Let sit for about 10 minutes or so to soften before scooping into serving bowls. Makes about 4 cups.

* If using frozen banana's, you can serve right away as it will be a soft serve ice cream. Or store in freezer to harden completely as above. 

As with any of my recipes, adjust flavors to your own taste...I have made this using 1/4 cup almond butter along with just a few tablespoons of maple syrup and tahini with great success. I have also used less pecans. So feel to play around with the ingredient amounts. 


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