
Green Salad + Chickpeas + Lemon-Tahini Dressing

Green Salad + Chickpeas + Lemon-Tahini Dressing

Summer is still here and salads are my go to meals this time of year. For the last few weeks I've been trading between all my salad posts from the last month and have come back to this one here that I shared on Instagram not too long ago. It's such a simple salad and needed to be added to the recipe collection. This is just one of those salads that I threw together in a pinch while cleaning the fridge and it tasted delicious. So, here it is for you to play with as is or make it your own by adding anything that sounds good to you! It's really a great little salad...easy breezy vegan!

Green Salad + Chickpeas + Lemon-Tahini Dressing

Green Salad + Chickpeas + Lemon-Tahini Dressing

  • 1 can (15oz) garbanzo beans (chickpeas), drained and rinsed
  • spring salad mix, or any salad mix you prefer
  • handful grape or cherry tomatoes, halved 
  • 1 shallot, thinly sliced
  • micro greens, optional
  • mineral salt & fresh cracked pepper, to taste

 Lemon-Tahini Dressing
  • 4 tablespoons tahini
  • juice of one large lemon
  • dash of mineral salt
  • dash of garlic salt
  • dash of cayenne pepper
  • 2-3 tablespoons water or lemon juice, as needed to thin

Start with your dressing by combing all the ingredients except for the water. Taste for flavor adding any extra you might like. Add the water or lemon juice one tablespoon at a time as needed to thin to desired consistency. 

Prepare your salad, layer as you like adding half the chickpeas and top with dressing. Serves two.

As with most salad recipes, use however much you like of each salad ingredient!
