
Bircher Muesli with Chia Seeds, Figs & Apples

Muesli is a wonderful raw cereal and can be served with a variety of ingredients. Oats have been traditionally used along with fruits, nuts & seeds. Here is my favorite version of muesli using not only oats but other 'superfoods' like chia seeds and buckwheat grouts making this a nutritional powerhouse meal. 

This recipe originally came about for two reasons. One, I had picked up some figs the other day not quite knowing what to do with them. And the other is due to a question I had posted on The Simple Veganista facebook page asking about vegan breakfasts, cereals in particular, so it all came together and I really love the mixture of grains, fruits, nuts, seeds and spices. So very good! It's almost like a chia pudding. 

If you're in need of a meal that will carry you the distance, muesli is it. The added chia seeds in this version alone are an energy extender as well as the all-important omega's 3 & 6 they contain. They are one of the few plants based sources of omega 3. Chia seeds also contain a good amount of protein, fiber, iron and calcium per serving. The buckwheat can be optional in this version but I highly suggest that you get to know buckwheat, aka Kasha. Despite its name buckwheat isn't in the wheat family at all, it is considered a seed and is a great source of protein and fiber, even more than the oats per serving. In fact, you may decide to do all buckwheat and no oats sometime. It's also gluten free. The oats are a classic muesli staple and help soak up the liquids to make for a nice creamy dish while the other ingredients give texture and flavor. 

Some history on muesli taken from wikipedia...

'Muesli was introduced around 1900 by the Swiss physician Maximilian Bircher-Benner for patients in his hospital, where a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables was an essential part of therapy. It was traditionally eaten with juice and not milks.

The original Bircher-Benner recipe is proportionately the opposite of most muesli available in today's supermarket varieties, calling for far more fruit than grains. One serving based on the original recipe consists approximately of:
  • 1 tablespoon rolled oats, soaked in 2–3 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon cream
  • 200 grams apple (about one large, preferably a sour variety), finely grated and mixed with the above directly before serving
  • optionally top with 1 tablespoon ground hazelnuts or almonds
The original recipe used sweetened condensed milk instead of cream, a compromise due to hygiene concerns regarding fresh milk products in 1900 (bovine tuberculosis etc.), before pasteurisation and refrigeration became commonly available. The original recipe also advised to soak the oats in water overnight as raw oats need a lengthy soaking to soften them before eating. This long soaking time is unnecessary with modern rolled "quick oats", which the manufacturers already soften through a steam treatment. While phytic acid is an antinutrient and strong chelator of important minerals, it is removed during the steam process, making muesli desirable, given its positive antioxidant qualities.'

I highly believe if Bircher-Brenner was alive today, he would agree that non-dairy milk is a much better option to dairy creams...

Let's make some 'superfood' muesli...I think Bircher would approve of this version :)


2 tablespoon rolled oats* ( I use GF)
2 tablespoons buckwheat groats/Kasha
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1/2 teaspoon or so vanilla
3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, or non-dairy milk of choice
cinnamon, to taste
3 figs
1/2 apple, I use fuji
1-2 tablespoon raisins
a few almonds
a few pepitas
a few walnuts

In small/medium bowl combine oats, buckwheat groats, chia seeds, vanilla, milk, cinnamon, and half of the raisins. Mix well, cover and refrigerate overnight, or eat in one to two hours after it has set. Serve cold, or at room temp, topped with diced figs, apples, raisins and nuts/seeds and a sprinkle of cinnamon...add a little more milk if desired. I like to mix most of the apples in first and then top with the remaining ingredients. Serves one. Stores up to a couple days in airtight container in the refrigerator. Try drinking a glass of lemon water with this, very refreshing!

You may also like to try 100% fruit juice in place of the milk or use any fruits you like. 

*For 100% raw look for raw oats that have not undergone the steam process. These you will want to soak for eight hours plus.

You can also make it to go in the morning. Combine all the ingredients in a mason jar, or other to go container, give it a good stir and take it with you. The non-dairy milk is perfectly fine without refrigeration until ready to eat. At least if it's eaten within the day it should be fine, unlike dairy products that need refrigeration (another reason non-dairy milk is so great).

If you want to use more whole grains try this recipe below. It will fill you up for those extra long periods in between meals or can be munched on for a few hours...

1/4 cup rolled oats (I used GF)
1/4 cup buckwheat groats
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1/2 - 1 teaspoon vanilla 
1 cup unsweetened almond milk or milk of choice
any fruit and nut/seeds of choice

Enjoy these superfoods and eat them often !